



I’m going to go the beach course whit family, so we arrived in Mazatlan in the afternoon

We lodge in hotel head (in front) beach, we eat in the restaurant of hotel & seeing famous people here

At other day I’m swimming whit the dolphin, hours after eat shrimps in the beach we know people entertain.


And visited park dale is a friendly community and it’s a great are to live in.

People have lots of opportunities to pursue their interests

There is a sports center which has many sports facilities

People use the swimming pool and the skating rink a lot

There’s also a municipal library where many people go to borrow books

There are two movies theaters where they show the most recent films

Oh and there is a disco for younger

People in park dale also love nature

In the center of town, there is Falaise Park

It has a forest, a children’s area, a small zoo.



Cuento // story

                                               Death of George bush

George bush the most mediocre president the USA. Has ever has died yesterday he choked with a tiny pretzel had anthrax.

The Afghans are very happy. The USA thinks this might be another terrorist attack.

                                                                              Penso que podria ser otro ataque terrorista.

No one except Michael Jackson, came to funeral the world will be boring without him.



City = modern, big, interesting, and noisy (ruidosa)

Town = old, quiet, historic and small


Chihuahua is… have characteristics of a city and a town, it’s old because 300 years old, it’s big, it’s historic and noisy


Recuerda: estas palabras estan n singular osea q s una escuela, un hospital, un musea, etc. si quieres decirlas n plural (q son varias; escuelas bancos, etc) solo agregale una S al final d la palabra. A la vez aplica la regla ya explicada pa ste procedimiento







Library = libraries




Gas station




Post office

Church (iglesia) = churches


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