1) Present simple.- acciones habituales rutinarias que tienen actualidad


·         Los verbos terminados en “Y” al conjugarse en 3° persona se cambia por “I” y se agrega “ES


Example:   cry = cries = David cries in his room


·         Los verbos terminados en “SH” o  CH se les agrega “ES” al conjugarse en 3° persona


Wash= washes, watch = watches


·         Los verbos como do, go se les agrega “ES” al conjugarse con 3° persona


·         El resto de los verbos solo se les agregara “S”, a excepción del verbo be.




Watch = watches

Write = writes

Draw = draws

Mark = marks

Spell =spells

Practice = practices

Tell = tells

Check = checks

Work = works

Open = opens

Look = looks

Match = matches

Underline = underlines

Label = labels

Repeat = repeats

Ask = asks

Describe = describes

Listen = listens

Sit = sits

Close = closes

Read = reads

Circle = circles

Trace = traces

Say = says

Speak = speaks

Answer = answers

Share = shares

Be quiet =

Stand = stands

Stop = stops





Paul swims in the river (rio)

Sarah plays guitar

Ricardo plays football


Rosa does aerobics

Luisa dances

Paul takes photos

Sarah listens

Ricardo reads

Luisa watches TV

Rosa is sick



En el presente afirmativo como vemos el verbo lleva “S” y no mas será en las 3° personas (he, she, it, they), los adjetivos no llevan “S”

                       Singular     Plural

1° persona—          I                  we

2° persona—        you               you

3° persona—   she, he, it          they



El singular es para primeras personas, el plural segundas o terceras 

·         I drink milk = yo tomo leche  

·         I milks the cons= yo ordeño a la vaca

·         You win in lottery

·         Her watch the TV in living room every night

·         She says she cannot love another

·         Her heart speaks and says I love you, I need you

·         Sony stays at home everyday

·         He is sad

·         He waits for her in the park with tears in his eyes

·         The sun shines but for him it rains

·         Lina is not there anymore

·         the man is strange/ el hombre es extraño

·         the man walks strangely (strongeli) / el hombre camina extraño          

·         He speaks Spanish   = El habla español                      

·         He walks to school -------  el va a la escuela

·         She       makes       a big cake for her birthday party


      sujeto     verbo                        complemento

Roxana watch T.V. show every nine to day.

·         Roxana don’t watch T.V. show every nine to day.

·         He does his homework------ el hace su tarea

·         She swim fast

·         He it run fast

Palabras pa identificar una oracion

en present simple: Always, today,  usually,

 everyday, yet (aun).



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