Green            pink    blue          yellow    red    orange   white    black     purple    brown


Which color are the apples, strawberries, bananas, oranges, mangos, eggs, butter (mantequilla)?

Which color is milk, cheese?



The flour is white

The sugar is white

The salt is white

The oil is yellow

The milk is white

The beans is brown

The cinnamon (canela) is brown

The cheese is yellow

The bread is brown

The coffee is brown

The tea is green





She is wearing blue shoes

She is wearing red short

She is wearing orange socks (calcetin)

She is wearing green and yellow skit

She is wearing orange purse (cartera)

She is wearing purple and yellow bath suit (traje de baño)

She is wearing green and yellow coat (chaqueta, abrico o saco)

She is wearing yellow pants

She is wearing blue, red and yellow t-shirt (camiseta)

She is wearing tallow and red yomper


He is wearing red pants

He is wearing white and blue tennis  

He is wearing yellow short

He is wearing green jeans

He is wearing brown shoes

He is wearing green and yellow socks

He is wearing pink and with jackets

He is wearing blue hat

He is wearing blue sweater

He is wearing blue, yellow and green shirts

He is wearing red short


1.- what are you wearing to go to school?     I’m wearing Beige pants and white shirts

2.- what is she wearing to go to the restaurant?           She’s wearing white dress and ring (anillo) earring 

3.- what is he wearing to play basket boll?   He’s wearing white t-shirt and red short

4.- what are you wearing bed? I’m wearing blue pants and white t-shirt, bedclothes

5.-what is she wearing to go the discotheque? She’s wearing black dress

6.-what are you wearing to clean your house? I’m wearing old clothes, blue pants and white t-shirt

7.-what is he to go to the movies? He’s wearing black coats, casual clothes

8.-What is she wearing to go to the park? She’s wearing blue pants and black blouse (blusa)


Suit = traje                                                         

Bath suit = traje de baño

Earring = arêtes

Also=tambien      huge= muy grande     there is or there are= hay     but= pero   rather= mas bien

Bag = bolsa

Ring = anillo

         = mascada


A / AN = un - uno o una


Cuadro de texto: la A es para palabras q empiezan con consonantes o no vocales y

la AN  va ir antes d palabras q empiecen con vocal
 A stamp                 an   eve lop

      Post card                   English book

      Letter                       orange

      Camara                    apple

      Magazine                 elephant

      News paper              umbrella






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