Describe of family

raul´s father’s name is Rodrigo. He’s 46 years old and he’s an architect. He’s strong and inventive. Raul´s mother’s name is Patricia. She’s 42 years old and she’s a teacher. She is very slim, beautiful and practical. His sister’s Diana is student. She is tall and thin and very independent.     


He wearing blue pants, he is slim and tall, he is has brown eyes, he is has black curly short hair.

She wearing green jeans, she’s short, has dark eyes, and she has straight black long hair, and fair skin 

Bella piel                             


How is the people?....


Characteristics physique / características físicas


face=cara             cuello=neck          torso=torso   hand= mano  finger= dedo   legs =piernas  foot= pie




Partes de la cara /   parts of the face


Pelo = hair                          oreja = ear                     teeth = dientes

Frente = fore head              patilla = sideburns         beard = barba

Cejas = eyebrows               codo = elbow               wrinkles = arrugas

Pestañas = eyelashes          nariz = nose                   check = mejilla

Ojos = eyes                          boca = mouth               tongue = lengua

Labios=lips                          bigote=moustache         













Physical appearance




Black skin= negro          Dark skin = piel obscura          brown skin = piel morena         light brown skin = Moreno claro             Fair skin= rubio o piel clara         pale = (palido) blanco



Colors eyes          hazel= miel   black= negros   blue= azul   green= verde   dark= obscuros


smalls= pequeños    big=grandes       fair = güero (claro)  


Hair / pelo                                                                         


Curly= chino o risado           short = corto     long= largo    medium length = medio

Wavy= andulado                               red= rojo             dark= oscuro

Straight= liso                      Grey= canoso     black= negro        brown=cafe         Blond=rubio


age= edad                            young= joven                      old= Viejo            middle-aged= mediana edad   




tall= alto               short= chaparro          medium sized= estatura mediana          fat= gordo 

slim=flaco            plump= medio gordo         muscular= musculoso       petit= se usa pa los niños pequeño

skinny= muy flaco                                  good figure = buena figura


Beautiful= bello   ugly=feo   cute=agradable   horrible= horrible   good looking= se ve bien 



How I’m? / Como soy? My name is Andres and I’m seventeen years old I have short curly black hair and brown eyes. I’m medium sized and slim complexion brown skin.


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