PREGUNTAS/ Questions
Como se formula una pregunta = W + aux +
pronouns + verbs?, las respuestas
estas preguntas son amplias.
When - cuando
How - como
Why – por que
What – que
What else – que mas
Where – donde
much – cuanto cuesta
How many – cuantos
How long- cuanto tiempo, q tan largo, cuanto va ha durar
Who is – quien es, con quien (s)
Which – cual
Whose – de quien es
A lot of- mucho,
lo q no s puede contar, & en $ many – se utiliza en cosas q s pueden contar
What’s your name? my name is andres
hacer una pregunta con who se elimina he o el
sujeto del enunciado
Where are you from? I’m from chihuahua city
What’s your address? Its #4008, 37 ½ street
What’s you telephone number? 4-16-27-39
What do you do? I’m a student
What student? I’m accountant
What does she do for her birthday party? =
que hace ella para su fiesta de cumpleaños?
What does she make for her birthday party?
When does she make a big cake?
Where does she make a big cake?
When do Roxana watch T.V.?
What does john have for breakfast? John has eggs and
Where do you work? I work in a shop
What does Tony look like? Tall, slim, short, dark
hair, brow eyes
What is his mother job? Teacher high school
Where is Tony’s house? 20 min. from city center
What does Tony like? Play computer, listen to music
and go to cine
How does the letter start? He doesn’t like to go to
the theater
1. What are you have
on Monday from 6:00 to 9:00? I have Spanish
2. What are you have
on Tuesday from 6:00 to 9:00? I have math
3. What are you have
on Wednesday from 6:00 to 9:00? I have history
4. What are you have
on Thursday from 6:00 to 9:00? I have biology
5. What are you have
on Friday from 6:00 to 9:00? I have English
- What does she
have on Monday from 10:00 to 10:50? She has civism
- What does she
have on Wednesday from 7:00 to 7:50?
She has Spanish
- What does she
have on Friday from 12:30 to 1:00? She has break
- What does she
have on Monday from 10:50 to 11:40? She has biology
- What does she
have on Wednesday from 10:00 to 10:50? She has English
- What does she
have on Friday from 7:00 to 8:30? She has math.
- What does she
have on Monday from 1:00 to 1:50? She has physical Ed.
- What does she
have on Friday from 11:40 to 12:30? She has art
- What does she
have on Friday from 10:50 to 11:40? She has history
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