PREGUNTAS/ Questions


PREGUNTAS/ Questions


Como se formula una pregunta =  W + aux  + pronouns + verbs?, las respuestas estas preguntas son amplias. 


When - cuando

How - como

Why – por que

What – que

What else – que mas

Where – donde

How much – cuanto cuesta


How many – cuantos

How long- cuanto tiempo, q tan largo, cuanto va    ha durar

Who is – quien es, con quien (s)

Which – cual 

Whose – de quien es



A lot of- mucho, much- lo q no s puede contar, & en  $ many se utiliza en cosas q s pueden contar





·         What’s your name? my name is andres


Para hacer una pregunta con who

 se elimina he o el sujeto del enunciado


Where are you from? I’m from chihuahua city

·         What’s your address? Its #4008, 37 ½ street

·         What’s you telephone number? 4-16-27-39

·         What do you do? I’m a student

·         What student? I’m accountant   


·         What does she do for her birthday party?  = que hace ella para su fiesta de cumpleaños?

·         What does she make for her birthday party?

·         When does she make a big cake?

·         Where does she make a big cake?

·         When do Roxana watch T.V.?

·         What does john have for breakfast? John has eggs and toast

·         Where do you work? I work in a shop


·         What does Tony look like? Tall, slim, short, dark hair, brow eyes

·         What is his mother job? Teacher high school

·         Where is Tony’s house? 20 min. from city center

·         What does Tony like? Play computer, listen to music and go to cine

·         How does the letter start? He doesn’t like to go to the theater



1.       What are you have on Monday from 6:00 to 9:00? I have Spanish

2.       What are you have on Tuesday from 6:00 to 9:00? I have math

3.       What are you have on Wednesday from 6:00 to 9:00? I have history

4.       What are you have on Thursday from 6:00 to 9:00? I have biology

5.       What are you have on Friday from 6:00 to 9:00? I have English


  1. What does she have on Monday from 10:00 to 10:50?   She has civism
  2. What does she have on Wednesday from 7:00 to 7:50?  She has Spanish
  3. What does she have on Friday from 12:30 to 1:00? She has break
  4. What does she have on Monday from 10:50 to 11:40? She has biology
  5. What does she have on Wednesday from 10:00 to 10:50? She has English
  6. What does she have on Friday from 7:00 to 8:30? She has math.
  7. What does she have on Monday from 1:00 to 1:50? She has physical Ed.
  8. What does she have on Friday from 11:40 to 12:30? She has art
  9. What does she have on Friday from 10:50 to 11:40? She has history



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